Insurance & Payments
We accept most insurance plans including EyeMed and VSP. Our insurance specialists can file your claim and help you maximize your insurance benefits. We also accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover and Care Credit.

New Patients
As a new patient to our practice, you will be asked to complete a Patient Information & a Medical History form. If there is sufficient mailing time prior to your scheduled appointment, you can download these forms below, fill them out and mail them to us.
If there is not time to mail, you can download and complete at home or please arrive early enough to complete these forms at our office prior to your scheduled appointment time.
New Patient Forms
Click the button below to download ourPatient Information & Medical History forms:
On The Day Of Your Appointment
Please bring the following:
- Photo identification
- Completed Patient Information Form & Medical History form (if received in the mail)
- Insurance card(s), medical and/or vision
- Co-payment, if applicable (there is a 3.5% transaction fee for debit/credit card payments)
- If you have no insurance: $170 payment is required (a payment plan can be arranged for any remaining balance)
- No vision coverage? We charge a $65 refraction fee (this is the procedure done to determine your glasses prescription). Refraction is not covered by most insurance plans.
For most appointments for a complete eye examination, you can expect to be in our office for 1½ to 2 hours. You should bring your eyeglasses and/or contact lenses as well as a complete list of your prescription medications to your appointment.
If you have vision or medical insurance, we will file an insurance claim for your exam on your behalf. You will be billed for any balance due after insurance processing. Remember, it is YOUR responsibility to know what your medical or vision insurance will cover, whether there is a co-pay or deductible due, and whether a referral is needed (our doctors are considered specialists by most insurance plans).
If your visit is NOT covered by insurance, please be prepared to pay for your exam on the day of your appointment. We accept cash, checks, and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and CareCredit). Please be aware that payments made by credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard, & Discover) are subject to a 3.5% transaction fee. Health savings cards and CareCredit are excluded from the service charge.
If you are scheduled for a complete eye examination, this includes dilating your eyes. We recommend that you bring sunglasses to wear after a dilated exam; your eyes will be light sensitive until the dilating drops wear off.
Our optical department does NOT accept: State Medicaid, Buckeye, United Healthcare Community, Caresource, Paramount, or Molina insurance plans. If you need to get glasses, we have a list of optical providers in the area that accept these insurances.
Our Office Locations
Our office is located in the Aultman Physicians’ Office Building. There is a bridge walkway from Aultman Hospital to the Aultman physicians Building on the Second Floor.